Fanjie Li

Fanjie Li

PhD student

New York University


Hello πŸ‘‹ I am a PhD student at NYU Steinhardt’s ECT Program, and a doctoral researcher at the NYU Learning Analytics Research Network (NYU-LEARN).

My work encompasses human-centered design and implementation of learning analytics and the research and development of actionable, conversational analytics interfaces.

Before joining NYU-LEARN, I worked as a research assistant at the HKU CCMIR Lab, with a focus on the R&D of user-centered, context-aware music recommenders through physiological sensing, music (audio) processing, and UX research.


  • Learning Analytics
  • Ecudational Data Science
  • Human-Centered Informatics
  • Design Thinking
  • Affective Computing


  • PhD, 2022 - 2027

    New York University

  • M.Sc, 2018 - 2020

    University of Hong Kong

  • B.Mgt | B.Eng, 2014 - 2018

    Sichuan University



Conference Reviewer

LAK 2023

September 2022 – October 2022
The International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference

Conference Reviewer

ISMIR 2020, 2021, 2022

May 2020 – June 2022
The International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference

Research Assistant

HKU SIRI, University of Hong Kong

March 2020 – June 2021 Hong Kong S.A.R.
Culture Computing and Multimodal Information Research (CCMIR) Lab

Summer Intern

University of Notre Dame: iSURE Program

July 2016 – August 2016 Indiana, USA
Social Sensing Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering



Data Science Education

Developing and Evaluating Interdisciplinarity and Internationalization in the Curriculum of Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Social Data Science.

Background Music for Studying: A Naturalistic Study

Field experiments that probe how students study with music in the background, in light of cognitive-affective theory of learning with media.

Multimodal Analysis of User-music Interactions in the Lab

Leveraging multimodal data to probe the effects of five different types of background audio (four types of instrumental music and one environmental sound) on reading comprehension.

Music Recommender Systems Based on Physiological Signals

This project aims to enhance the emotion-aware music recommendation via physiological sensing.

Deep Reading in the Omnimedia Era

This study discussed the mechanisms underlying deep reading in terms of (a) the cognitive-affective process inside the reading brain and (b) reading as a social process.

Recent Publications